Catering Event Details & Quote Sheet
Sponsoring Organization/Group: ______________________________________________________
Contact Name: ______________________ Phone #: _____________ E-Mail:_________________
Date of Event: ______________ Name of Event: _________________________________________
Event Location: ______________________________________ Estimated Attendee Count: _______
Event Timing:
Set-Up Time: ___________ Guest Arrival Time: ____________
Guest Departure Time: __________ Food Delivery Time: ___________
Food Service Time – Start: ________ End: ________
Other Timing Details: ___________________________________________________
Menu Total (Indicate if per person or per event)
The total must include all fees and charges for the Event. Event Total
The caterer understands that the general terms and conditions for services are outlined and explained in the Outside
Vendor Catering Agreement which the caterer has previously executed with UA. By signing this quote sheet, the caterer
confirms compliance with the requirements outlined in the Outside Vendor Catering Agreement. This quote sheet
establishes the total charge for the event. The caterer agrees that UA shall have no liability for price adjustments,
add-on charges, or price alterations to the event total above unless agreed to in advance in writing by UA. The
caterer agrees that all fees and charges have been fully disclosed above. No adjustments are allowed unless there is a
change of more than 10% in the number of attendees or the menu is altered at the written request of UA. In the event
an item planned for the menu is unavailable due to circumstances outside of the control of the caterer, the caterer and
UA shall agree upon a reasonable substitution.
Caterer Business Name: __________________________ Caterer Rep. Name: ___________________________
Caterer Representative Signature: _______________________________ Date: ___/___/______
UA Department Name: _____________________________ UA Rep. Name: ____________________________
UA Representative Signature: ___________________________________ Date: ___/___/______