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Please use this an EXAMPLE of how to frame your statement of appeal incorporating the two
required questions (see paragraphs 2 & 3). The statement and your supporting documents
are the only documents you have to state your case for appeal.
Date . . . .
Office of Financial Aid
Prince George’s Community College
301 Largo Road
Largo, Maryland 20774
Dear Financial Aid Appeals Committee:
My name is ......................, and I have been a student here at the college since ……………… Throughout
this time, I have faced a number of challenges in meeting my own goals for success as a student.
However, over the last few months things in my life have improved significantly to allow me to position
myself to again become a successful student here at the college. (In this paragraph, explain who you
are to the committee. Be concise, but thorough. This is your opportunity to introduce and set the
tone for the rest of the letter.)
There were two major issues that impacted my ability to be successful here at the college, first being ……
Initially they were supportive of my decision to go back to school; however, during the semester with a
change in management they changed my schedule and were not willing to provide any flexibility in this
process. Secondly, with my job impacting my ability to successfully attend classes it impacted the ability
(This paragraph, explain how did you get into this situation. Be detailed, but also concise. Please note
that this is a place to indicate if you have evidence that can be attached for support).
Since the spring of 2010, I have begun a new position …… My new position is supportive of my plans to
complete my education through the bachelor’s level. Having federal financial aid is a very important
component needed to complete this process successfully. Upon meeting with an academic advisor, I
have been advised to also meet with the staff in Career and Job Services about opportunities with my
prospective major at the university. Additionally, I was advised to attend the Vocational Support
Services workshops and ALANA/TRIO “Stomp the Yard” College Tours to improve upon different areas
for academic success and plan for my future. (This paragraph, explain how you improve from this
situation. Be concrete, but concise. The above statements are very strong suggestions.)
I sincerely hope that this appeal shows that I am dedicated to being a successful student here at the
college. Please do not use only my past as a barometer for my success in the future. There have been
many steps done over the last year to ensure my success going forward and I firmly believe that I am
truly deserving of the lifting of my financial aid suspension. (Closing: Reiterate the situation &

The problem with the rat race is that even if you win, you’re still a rat. | Lilly Tomlin