HTML Preview Project Report Declaration Format page number 1.

1. Front Page
2. Certificate
3. Declaration
4. Acknowledgement
5. Abstract
6. Table of Contents
7. List of Tables (optional)
8. List of Figures (optional)
9. Body Structure of the Dissertation
Section 1
1. Introduction
2. Objective or Need of the Study
3. Scope & limitations of this study
4. Review of the literature
5. Methodology of the research
Section 2
1. Data Analysis and interpretation
2. Case Studies
3. Processing data with hypothesis for acceptance and Rejection
Section 3
1. Summary, Major Findings & Suggestions
2. Suggestions & Contribution by the study
3. Scope for further Study
10. Bibliography
11. Appendix
Maximum Limit : 60 Pages

Everyone is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will spend its whole life believing it is stupid | Einstein