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Pre-Construction Meeting Agenda
A pre-construction meeting provides an opportunity to communication the requirements and expectations of a
construction project to the contractor hired to complete the work. At this meeting, the approved drawings and docu-
ments should be thoroughly reviewed with major items discussed by the participants. Discussing special project fea-
tures and requirements prior to the start of construction can avoid or reduce possible conicts and delays in complet-
ing the work.
This meeting will allow review and discussion of implementation procedures along with the specications and re-
quirements for any materials that are needed. This will ensure that all parties involved, including the contractor, fully
understand the goals and objectives for the project and the expected construction requirements to achieve them.
There are many project-related items to discuss during the pre-construction meeting. The project engineer usually fa-
cilitates the meeting and should plan ahead to prepare a comprehensive agenda specic to the project. The following
items, where applicable, are recommended agenda items to discuss.
List of Representatives
Identify names, phone numbers (oce and cell), addresses, etc. of the Contractor, Project Foreman and/or Superinten-
dent, Project Engineer, Project Manager, Project Inspectors, and Owner or Owners representative. Determine who will
be the contractor’s job superintendent or site manager. Ask if any subcontractors will be used and make note of their
role in the project.
Construction Contract
If a construction contract has been prepared for the project, its contents will need review. Focus on areas or subjects
that likely will not be covered elsewhere within the context of the meeting agenda. This includes: requirements and
status of bonds, insurance, addendums, transmittals, requests for modications, completion dates, extensions,
weather delays, etc.
Liquidated Damages
Review the contract requirements for this item.
Discuss the terms and conditions of payment as dened by program requirements or in the construction documents.
Review the specic project components and associated measurement and payment options. Discuss the level of
completion that is required before payments will be made. Discuss whether any partial payments will be allowed and
if so, under what conditions. If there are construction timeframes required within the contract, discuss the importance
of them and whether extension will be allowed or if liquidated damages will be enforced.
Plans and Addendums
Briey provide an overview of the project and determine if the contractor has copies of all the construction documents
and whether they need additional copies of the plans and specications.
Several items could possibly be required here including; the contractors progress schedule and a breakdown of partial
or periodic payments that may be needed, a list of subcontractors and/or suppliers, and shop drawings of specic
construction components that the contractor is responsible for.

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