2017 NOFSW Conference Program Agenda
(networking lunch will
be provided to
Certificate participants)
Forensic Social Work Certificate Program (not included with conference registration)
The Forensic Social Work Certificate is a program sanctioned by the National Organization of
Forensic Social Work. Graduates who have successfully met program expectations are
identified as having received training (7 CEUs) in topics deemed foundational to sound
forensic social work knowledge. It would be appropriate to list or note this certificate among
a professional’s specialized areas of training. It would not be appropriate ethical to list as a
credential after one’s name (e.g. Sallie Sue, FSWC). If you have questions about the proper
use of the FSW Certificate please contact the NOFSW Executive Director.
Orientation to the FSW Certificate
Covers attendance and participation expectations for certificate institute attendees; outlines
the professional benefits and limitations of the certificate.
History and Foundations of Forensic Social work: A Cultural Journey
A brief look back at the history of the field with specific attention to the cross-cultural nature
of social work and the law; identifies emerging topics shaping the future of the field.
Stacey Hardy Chandler, PhD
Court Systems and Expert Testimony
Examines the court context of forensic social work practice focusing on criminal, consultant
and child welfare examples. Steven Hartsock, PhD; Viola Vaughan-Eden, PhD
Keys to Successful Offender Reentry
Explores mental health and addiction intervention factors and their impact on the
transitioning back to the community; challenges and opportunities for forensic social work
John Cocco, PhD
Juvenile (In)justice
Considers the socio-political factors directing children to the JJ system including a critical
examination of racial disparities and how these play out at crucial decision points for our
youth. Susan McCarter, PhD
Public Defense Mitigation: Telling the Story
Provides a step-by-step approach to the forensic social worker’s role in sentencing advocacy;
core social work skills are translated into the special needs for working effectively with a
defense team. Valarie Mitchell, MSW
Law Enforcement: Partnerships with Purpose
Understanding law enforcement can be of significant benefit to variety of FSW functions
including work in domestic violence, child protection and dependent and older adult
protection. David McLeod, PhD
Wrap-Up Discussion & Community Building