Offer: Computer Consultancy
Ref: TCSL/DT20142469678/Pune
Date: 27/03/2015
Ms. Manjusha Balu Shrimandil
26-A, Tambe Nagar ,
Tel# 0211-2243464
Dear Manjusha Balu Shrimandil,
Sub: Letter of Offer
Thank you for exploring career opportunities with TATA Consultancy Services Limited (TCSL).
You have successfully completed our initial selection process and we are pleased to make you
an offer.
This offer is based on your profile and performance in the selection process. You have been
selected for the position of Assistant System Engineer-Trainee in Grade Y. You will be a part
of the application development and maintenance projects across any of the business units of
Your gross salary including all benefits will be `3,18,887/- per annum, as per the terms and
conditions set out herein. The gross salary mentioned above is inclusive of the Performance Pay
becoming effective upon successful completion of the Initial Learning Programme (ILP).
Kindly confirm your acceptance of this offer online through the option 'Accept Offer letter'. If not
accepted within 7 days, it will be construed that you are not interested in this employment and
this offer will be automatically withdrawn.
After you accept this offer, you will be given a joining letter indicating the details of your joining
date and initial place of posting. You will also be issued a letter of appointment at the time of your
joining after completing joining formalities as per company policy.
1TCS Confidential