Europäisches Parlament Europabüro Europäisches Parlament
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Dr. Thomas Ulmer MEP
~ Invitation to a lunch meeting ~
"The value of Integrative Oncology in medicine:
The German model - a best practice example?"
Dear colleagues,
the value of integrative approaches in medicine, i.e. the combination of conventional and
alternative medicine in an integrative manner is still not very well known in Europe.
Anthroposophic medicine has more than 90 years of experience in the field of integration of
these methods into the conventional treatment of cancer. To get a very special insight of a
best practice example of the integrative approach in oncology, I would like to invite you to a
lunch meeting on
10th May 2011 from 12h30 till 14h30
European Parliament Strasbourg, Salon LOW
(lunch will be provided)
The guest speakers (see programme attached) will explain the role of anthroposophic
medicine within the German health system. We will discuss if this example could serve as a
model for integrative medicine approaches at EU level, especially in the field of clinical
Please use the attached registration form in order to confirm your attendance. Looking
forward to seeing you on 10th May!
Yours sincerely,