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Alaska Court System
Model Parenting Agreement
This form was developed by a superior court judge to help parents reach
agreement on important issues concerning their children. It covers many issues
that parents may not think about when making custody decisions. The form may
be used in a divorce case, a dissolution, a custody case between unmarried
parents, or an action to modify an existing custody order.
If you want this agreement to be part of your custody order, you must file it with
the court. If the judge approves your agreement, it will become part of the
custody order in your case.
The form offers you many options for arranging your children’s custody and care.
Fill out the sections you agree will apply to your children and you. Be sure to
print neatly in black ink. In each section, you can pick one of the choices that
is offered, or you can write your own arrangement in the space marked “Other.”
If you need more space, you can attach additional pages. (If you continue on a
separate page, you need to make it clear which section of the agreement that
you are writing about (for example: "Continuation of agreement on vacations and
travel by children – Sec. 4.4").
Each parent must sign the form in front of a notary public. A court clerk can
provide this notary service for you (at no charge) when you file this agreement
with the court. You must bring a photo ID with you for the notarization.
If you have attached additional pages to the agreement, you should write the
name of the document, the case title, and the case number in the bottom left
corner of each page (for example: Parenting Agreement, Smith v. Jones,
4FA-01-1234CI). This form is also available on the Alaska Court System’s web
site at
DR-475 (2/10) (cs)

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