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Boarding House Tenancy Agreement
Landlord details
This section must be filled in
Physical address for service
Phone: (Wk) (Hm) (Mobile)
Additional address for service (This may be an email, PO Box, facsimile number)
Manager Details: (if different to the landlord)
[Insert address and contact info as per above]
Tenant details
This tenancy agreement grants the tenant(s) named below to the exclusive right to occupy the particular room described in the Tenancy
Details below and to use the facilities of the boarding house
Tenant Name(s)
Identification: Drivers licence Passport Other Write ID Number:
This section must be filled in. It is important to give good contact details.
Physical address for service
Phone (Wk) (Hm) (Mobile)
Additional address for service (this may be an email, PO Box, facsimile number)
Is any tenant under the age of 18? YES / NO (Cross one out)
Further contact person details:
[Insert address and contact info as per above]
Tenancy details
Address of tenancy including room number to which the tenancy relates
Attachments forming part of this agreement:
Most recent House Rules for the boarding house yes / no
Fire evacuation procedure applying to the premises yes / no
Body Corporate rules if boarding house premises also a Unit Title premises yes / no
Rent per week To be paid in advance, weekly/fortnightly (cross one out)
Bond amount $
Rent to be paid at
Or into Bank Account No.
Account name
Branch Bank

You must be the change you wish to see in the world. | Mahatma Gandhi