HTML Preview Infant Feeding Schedule For Daycare page number 1.

This project is a collaboration between Our Lady of the Lake Children’s Hospital, the Louisiana Breastfeeding Coalition, loca l breastfeeding coalitions, Volunteers of America/Partnerships in Child
Care, and the Louisiana Office of Public Health-Maternal and Child Health Program.
Sample Child Care Center Infant Feeding Plan
The ABC Child Care Center strives to accommodate each child’s needs and understands that
every baby has a different pattern of eating. In most cases, we believe that feeding “on cue” is
the healthiest way to eat. In other words, we will feed your infant when she shows signs of being
hungry, and we will stop feeding when she shows signs of being full.
The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends waiting until about 6 months of age before
starting solid foods. We only bottle-feed infants less than 6 months with mothers milk or for-
mula (no water or juice unless requested by a physician). Infants over 4-6 months are spoon-fed
age-appropriate solid foods and given water or 100% fruit juice, in addition to breast milk/
formula, when they are able to drink from a cup.
Parents are required to provide clean, labeled bottles daily. Labels should be water-resistant and
include the infants name and the date and time of preparation. We want your input and prefer-
ences about the way your baby is fed.
Please answer the questions on the back of the paper so that we can work together to provide
your child with the safest, best nutrition.
This Infant Feeding Plan was created for: (Child’s name)
This Infant Feeding Plan was created by:
Teacher’s name and signature:
Parent’s name and signature:
Date (s) this plan was created/revised:

Leadership is a potent combination of strategy and character. But if you must be without one, be without the strategy. | Norman Schwarzkopf