Minutes from the
Customer Advisory Board meeting
12 March 2015, Copenhagen airport, Denmark
01/15 Opening
Agenda for the meeting was accepted and last meeting’s minutes were accepted.
Rønnaug Sægrov Mysterud was introduced as a new member in the Customer Advisory
02/15 2nd auctions and Peak Load Capacity
Ulrik Møller from Energinet.dk visited the meeting to present and discuss the possible
introduction of a 2
auction round in Elspot. Some of the background was presented,
along with a summary of the responses to the public consultation which ended 23
February 2015. The discussion concentrated on implications of a 2
auction, rather than
its impact on Peak Load Capacity arrangements.
The Customer Advisory Board identified concerns in adding a 2
auction to Elspot. The
main concern was that the introduction of a 2
auction may lead to “strategic bidding” –
meaning for example that the market participant would refrain from bidding some of its
capacities to the market – which would lead to deteriorating trust and liquidity in the 1
auction. Furthermore, the Customer Advisory Board members pointed out that the
proposed 10 minutes time span would be too little time to find new capacities to be
included in a market participant’s orders.
The Customer Advisory Board commented that the potential benefits of introducing a 2
auction would be smaller than the potential downsides to the physical and financial power
markets. The circumstances leading to an activation of an actual 2
auction round were
seen to happen rarely, while the possible risks would be present every day.
The Customer Advisory Board urged Nord Pool Spot and the TSOs to find other ways to
solve the targeted market situations without 2
auctions, to make a risk evaluation, and
to publish the responses to the public consultation. Nord Pool Spot takes note of the
03/15 Planned changes in Market Surveillance – Decision feedback
Nord Pool Spot presented the plan to change the Market Conduct Rules and the role of
Nord Pool Spot’s Market Surveillance team, following up the topic from the previous
Customer Advisory Board meeting in October 2014. Nord Pool Spot also presented one
proposed change to the General Terms.
Disclosure Requirements
Nord Pool Spot is planning to take the changes in disclosure requirements into the
Market Conduct Rules with effect on 1 January 2016. In order to ensure monitoring of the
disclosure requirements in a transitional period, Nord Pool Spot proposes to maintain the
current monitoring activity until 1 January 2016. The changes regarding disclosure
requirements will be presented to Customer Advisory Board in due time prior to
implementation. Nord Pool Spot also continues to share of knowledge and competence
with the local regulators, and after 1 January 2016, Nord Pool Spot can offer these and
other services to the regulators on a commercial basis. The Customer Advisory Board
saw the proposed plan as reasonable.