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Banner Student Meeting Agenda
January 15, 2015 8:00-9:00am
I. Priority Issues
1. Registration and DGW guides in myPortal need to be updated.
2. CCCApply questions need to populate the Banner form, SVAMISH, for foster youth and
veterans. Lee McDonald is working on this. Lourdes needs to be notified also.
3. Steve Fletcher reported that the registration priority boxes are confusing to transfer students.
Deepa has exchanged e-mails with Steve clarifying that assessments are not displayed for transfer
4. 1098-T: notified students who are missing SSN on 12/22/14. Generated reports for cashiering to
review. Final run date?
5. CALB report (CAL D) is still having issues, although there is a workaround. The procedures to fix
the errors are not correcting the problem regarding calculating the high school apportionment
correctly. ETS will investigate.
6. Nazy reported that some prerequisites are not rolling correctly (i.e. psych) into the schedules. The
info in the schedule is incorrect; it doesn't match the catalog info. We need to find out why it is
happening. Implemented a discrepancy report in APEX. Will look for other solution.
7. Bookstore book charges for financial aid recipients: Confirmed Pell grant recipients would have
their financial aid come through and pay off the book debt. Deepa and Jerrick met with Susan
Cheu and has developed the specs.
8. Five forbidden states added one more state, Alabama. In one instance, a student from a forbidden
state (Wisconsin) received a hold after they were able to register. Report needs to be updated.
Open CCCApply should be catching these applications prior to registration. ETS is working on it.
II. Standing Agenda Items
1. SLA agreement Meeting scheduled for Jan. 27
@ 10:30 a.m. SLA for Application of Payment.
2. DegreeWorks:
• 4.14 upgrade: Installing in PROD.
DGW has a report to find students who are close to completing a certificate. ARGOS can provide student
ID #s to run the report. Moaty will identify a couple of classes and will send to Kent. After the first of the
year once 4.14 is in PROD.
• Ellucian is phasing out the "Planner" and moving to "the Plan". Chris helped to convert the old plans to
new plans. The Reg Users will keep both tabs so they can access the old plans. Need to let Lourdes
know that she needs to use the new Plan to collect the data as well as the new priority reg info.
3. Banner Glitch: If a student tries to register for the same class multiple times, they were allowed in. A student
was able to get into a class by guessing the add code. Banner baseline creates a random 4 digit code. The

Winning is not a sometime thing; it’s an all time thing. You don’t win once in a while, you don’t do things right once in a while, you do them right all the time. Winning is habit. Unfortunately, so is losing. | Vince Lombardi