HTML Preview Blank Release Of Liability Form page number 1.

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understand and acknowledge that I/we are voluntarily participating at
my/our own risk, this year of 20____, in an organized trail ride known as
Redrock Trail Rides L.L.C. and owned and operated by Kathleen A.
I/We, hereby fully and forever release and do hereby agree to fully and
forever release and discharge Kathleen A. Sullivan, as well as her
husband, David P. Sullivan, who owns the lands on which the trail ride
passes and Kathleen A. Sullivan, personally, being owner of said horses
being ridden on the trail ride and owner of the tack on said horses, as
well as any agents, employees and/or volunteers of above named, as
well as any owner of said lands over which the trail ride may pass, on
account of any bodily injury sustained by me or any other person caused
by my riding said horses or property damage caused by my riding said
The phrase “bodily injury” means bodily injury, sickness, or disease,
including death resulting there from.
This release is intended to release and discharge and indemnify persons
named herein from all claims, demands, damages, actions and rights of
action, of whatever kind or nature which I/we might have or hereafter
have or any other person may have on account of my riding on said trail
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(If a minor, parent’s signature)

The important thing is not being afraid to take a chance. Remember, the greatest failure is to not try. Once you find something you love to do, be the best at doing it. | Debbi Fields