Workshop: Fundraising for Non-Profit Associations
Saturday 29th June, 9.30-12.30
9.30 – 9.40 Welcome. Tobin Aldrich, WWF UK; Imogen Ward, Merlin; Stefania Pirani ,
9.40 – 10.05 : All About You! – What you told us about your challenges & opportunities
in your countries. Tobin Aldrich and Imogen Ward
10.05 -10.35: Presentations from IF’s Members:
Fundrasing in Argentina: Elena Zappoli,APEB, Association pour la Spina Bifida et
Fundraising in Belgium: Lies Provoost and Hugo Van den Berge, Flemish
Association for Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus
Fundraising in the United Kingdom. Video Presentation, Tom Scott, Shine
10.35 – 11.05: What’s working globally in fundraising. Tobin Aldrich, Imogen Ward
11.05 – 12.00: Let’s think together! - Working group activity
12.00 – 12.15 Feedback from the working groups
12.15 – 12.30 Conclusions