Project Board Meeting Agenda
There will be a meeting of the Shine Project Board on Wednesday 29 April 2015 at The Wise Group,
72 Charlotte Street, Glasgow, G1 5DW from 2.00pm.
Please note that papers marked ** are for information only. Unless otherwise intimated in
advance there will be no discussion on the day regarding these.
Item Attached/Paper no
15/01 Welcome & Introductions verbal SS
15/02 Minutes of the meeting held on 4
March 2015 attached 01
15/03 Matters Arising verbal SS
15/04 PSP Update
15/05 Partnership Managers Post verbal SS
15/06 Progress Report attached YR 02
15/07 Performance Reports attached AG 02
15/08 Area Updates verbal All
15/9 Practice Issues
15/10 Training/Seminars verbal YR
15/11 Case Management System verbal YR
15/12 Practice Guidance verbal SS
Identify Subgroup
o Staff Safety
o Proposed referral process
o Remand population
o Planned and Unplanned exits
15/13 Communications Update verbal SS
15/14 Shine Programme Board Issues verbal SS
15/15 AOCB verbal SS
15/16 Date and venue of next meeting