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Business Process Management Professional Certificate Program
June 13-17, 2016
The BPTrends Associates Business Process Management Professional Certificate Program is aligned with the
International Association of Business Analysis (IIBA®) Business Analysis Body of Knowledge (BABOK® V2.0) and is endorsed by
the IIBA. BPTrends Associates is also an advisor and contributor to the BABOK® V3.0.Attendees will earn 40 Professional
Development (PDs) or Continuing Development Units (CDUs) for attending the entire certificate program or 8 PDUs for attending
the Principles Class only.
Day 1
BPTA 101
Principles of Business Process
Management (1 day)
This course is the foundation for all courses in the
BPTrends Associates certification program.
It introduces the BPTrends BPM Pyramid and the
Process Redesign Methodology. The course provides
an overview and discussion of the principles, concepts
and techniques required to transform your business
from a traditional, functional organization to a process-
centric organization. The course introduces a systematic
approach and methodology for planning, monitoring,
measuring and managing your company’s business
process performance and for redesigning and improving
specific processes.
Day 2 - 5
BPTA 102
Introduction to Business Process
Modelling, Analysis and Design (4 days)
BPTA 101 is a prerequisite for this course.
This course provides an introduction to the skills and
techniques required to analyze and design new
processes or to redesign and improve existing
processes. This course presents the process analysis,
modelling and design techniques and tools required to
improve performance. Participants will learn to scope
specific processes using graphical models to
document results. They will learn how to define
measurement techniques for evaluating outcomes and
how to model As-Is and To-Be process workflows using
BPMN notation. The course is organized around a
universally applicable case study that will be developed
by attendees working in teams. The approach is hands-
on and business oriented andattendees will be able to
immediately apply what they learn within their own
For more information or to register with attached
registration form email:
Date & Time:
June 13-17, 2016
9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Capstone Ridge Group
402-321 McDermot Avenue
Winnipeg, MB, R3A 0A3
Registration can be for one or both
Registration Deadline: June 3, 2016
*GST not included
Fees include:
Refreshments, snacks and course materials.
About BPTrends Associates
BPTrends Associates is a global pioneer and the
leader in business process management, methodology
and practice. We have led over thirty Enterprise Level
Projects, conducted over one hundred BPM projects and
trained thousands of BPM practitioners in the world's
leading organizations in all market sectors, in both
capital intensive and service based organizations. Our
clients include Pfizer, General Dynamics, Mars, Grupo
Modelo, GCC Cement, Panasonic, NATO Headquarters
and Pemex Oil, to name a few. We are the preeminent
experts and practitioners in enterprise wide process
management capabilities. We are known for
successfully dealing with the complex issues associated
with process based management systems and enabling
our clients to effectively implement, manage and sustain
a process based management system.
May 15
June 3
DAY 1 only

For all of its faults, it gives most hardworking people a chance to improve themselves economically, even as the deck is stacked in favor of the privileged few. Here are the choices most of us face in such a system: Get bitter or get busy. | Bill O’ Reilly