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Promissory Note of Financial Support
International Services, USF World
4202 East Fowler Ave. CGS 101, Tampa, FL 33620, UNITED STATES
Phone: (813) 974-5102 FAX: (813) 974-0491 Email:
________________________________________________ ______________________ U#_______________
Student’s Full Name (as it appears on the Passport) Student’s Date of Birth
________________________________________________ _________________________________________
Sponsor’s Full Name Relationship of Sponsor to Student
Sponsor’s Street Address (number & Street)
City State/Province Postal Code Country
______________________________________ _________________________________________
Phone Email
First Year of study Support [in liquid assets]
Amount $ USD
Enter the amount that you will provide to the student in US Dollars to cover their first year of study. For current
cost estimates, go to With this promissory note, you must
submit official documentation of liquid assets in US Dollars. Liquid assets are assets that can be easily converted
into cash. You may show bank statements, bank letters, or other savings accounts. Documents should be in English
or include an official translation.
Additional Support Needed for Dependants: If you have a spouse or children that will accompany you to the United States, you must include an
additional $5,000 per year for your spouse and per each child. Please note that this estimate for dependents is the minimum amount you must show. If
purchasing insurance in the U.S. for dependents, actual costs for your dependents will likely increase.
Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
Year 4
Check each year that you promise to provide financial support towards the
students academic program.
Undergraduate Freshman (Freshman(First Time in College) = 4 years
Undergraduate Transfer = 2 years
Graduate Masters Program = 2 years
Graduate Doctoral (PhD) Program = 5 years
I hereby promise that I will provide financial support for the number of years indicated for the student listed above to
pursue an academic program of study at the University of South Florida. I understand that failure to provide the
student with the financial support indicated can result in loss of immigration benefits of the above named student.
____________________________________________________ ____________________
Sponsors Signature Date
Seal of Notarizing Official (legal representative, apostil, or other official):
Mail this form with official documents to:
International Services
University of South Florida
4202 East Fowler Ave CGS101
Tampa, FL 33620 United States

If you see a bandwagon, it’s too late. | James Goldsmith