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THIS LEASE AGREEMENT (“LEASE”) is made by and between The Family League of Baltimore City, Inc. (“FLBC”),
this day of, 2015 and
(Organization/Department/Company Name) (Address) (Name of person in charge)
The purpose of this Lease is to set forth the terms and conditions under which the Lessee may lease
space from FLBC. Please read and initial the following terms and conditions to indicate your
understanding and compliance with the terms contained in this Lease.
_____ The Reservation Form is attached hereto as Exhibit A and incorporated by reference herein (the
“Reservation Form”).
_____ Lessee is responsible for reading all room rental policies and procedures located on the FLBC
_____ Lessee shall pay to the FLBC the sum of $ for the Family Room prior to the event in
accordance with the Reservation Form. A second invoice will be provided by FLBC if supplemental
charges are incurred. FLBC reserves the right to cancel the event if payment has not been received prior
to the event date.
_____ Lessee shall be invoiced for any damages to the facilities, equipment or furniture.
_____ Lessee shall be responsible for Lessee’s own catering services and notify the FLBC of any
catering arrangements three (3) days in advance by providing the vendor’s information on the
Reservation Form.
_____ Lessee shall pay a $25.00 cleaning fee if FLBC determines that it is necessary to clean the facility
after the event (normal wear and tear excepted).
_____Lessee shall pay FLBC an additional fee of $20 per hour if the rental space needs to be accessed
before or after the hours of operation 8:00am-5:30pm. If the rental space needs to be accessed on the
weekend there is additional fee of $200.00 per day.
_____ Lessee will be given a 15 minute grace period as “post-access” time to allow for cleanup and
exiting the building.
_____ Lessee shall indemnify and hold harmless FLBC, its officers, employees, agents and directors
from any and all claims, costs, damages (including reasonable attorneys’ fees) and/or liabilities resulting
out of or in any way related to Lessee’s use of FLBC’s premises and/or property. Lessee hereby releases
FLBC, its officers, employees, agents and directors from any and all claims, costs, damages and/or
liabilities resulting out of or in any way related to Lessee’s use of the FLBC’s premises and/or property.
_____Lessee acknowledges and agrees that FLBC reserves the right to suspend or terminate the
function in the event of non-compliance with posted seating/room capacities, non-compliance with any
rules posted by FLBC at www:, and/or if the attendees of the event disrupt the affairs of the
FLBC agrees to:
1). Reimburse any payments if the function is cancelled within 72 hours before the event.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have set their hands and seals the day and year first above
Signature: _________________________ Signature: __________________________
Name: ____________________________ Name: Rena McMahon-Moore, CB
Title: Title: Accounting Manager

Leadership is the art of getting someone else to do something you want done because he wants to do it. | Dwight Eisenhower