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Cash Advance Receipt
(This original document is attached to check voucher)
acknowledges receipt
(name of employee/volunteer)
of $___________________ to be used to cover travel cost to
(name of event)
on ____________________________.
I have reviewed the travel policy guidelines and understand them fully. I agree to abide strictly by the terms of
the policy. I will return all receipts and/or a copy of a UGA travel reimbursement form along with unused cash
within 5 business days of my return. I will promptly repay this advance upon receiving any reimbursement
from other sources.
_______________________________ __________________
Employee/Volunteer Date
_______________________________ __________________
Complete this section after completion of this obligation. Send a copy of completed form to the district
office with your next monthly reconciliation report. Attach original with all supporting documentation to
check voucher.
All cash and/or expenditure documents have been presented and the above agreement has been fulfilled.
Receipt number ________________ represents cash returned. (Enter N/A if no cash was returned.)
_______________________________ __________________

For maximum attention, nothing beats a good mistake. | Unknown