TMF Capacity Criteria Module 16: Worksheet 16-2
Monthly Budget Report Worksheet.xls
Report Month: Month Fiscal Year-to-date
Annual Budget: Budget Actual Variance Budget Actual Variance
1 Rate Revenue $0 $0
2 Reserve Funds $0 $0
3 $0 $0
4 $0 $0
5 New Connections $0 $0
6 $0 $0
7 TOTAL Revenues $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
8 Personnel Costs w/benefits $0 $0
9 Professional Services - Engr, Acctg, Legal $0 $0
10 Utilities - Power $0 $0
11 Gas $0 $0
12 Telephone $0 $0
13 Sewer $0 $0
14 Chemicals, Treatment, and Monitoring $0 $0
15 Outside Services - Operator, Backhoe, Equip Rentals $0 $0
16 Small Equipment, Materials, and Parts $0 $0
17 Purchased Water - Wholesale $0 $0
18 Transportation $0 $0
19 Office Supplies-Postage, Paper, Copies $0 $0
20 Insurance - Vehicles, Liability, Workers Comp $0 $0
21 Customer Billing and Collection $0 $0
22 Income Tax $0 $0
23 Fees - Permits $0 $0
24 $0 $0
25 $0 $0
26 $0 $0
27 Withdrawal from Reserves $0 $0
TOTAL EXPENSES $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
$0 $0
BUDGET BALANCE (Revenues - Expenses) (Red is BAD!)