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Letter to the Pastor Requesting Confirmation
Now that you have studied the sacrament of Confirmation and decided to accept this great gift
from God, it is time to express this decision by asking to be confirmed. You will do this by
writing a letter to the Father Peter requesting this sacrament. The letter should clearly express
the fact (1) that receiving the sacrament is your decision, (2) that you have prepared for the
sacrament through study and instructions, and (3) that you have already accepted the
responsibility of living a mature Christian life by being of service to the community.
Here is an example of what you might say in the letter. Do not follow this example strictly but
try to include the three points mentioned above in your letter.
Dear Father Peter,
I have been preparing for the celebration of the sacrament of Confirmation for quite some
time, and I would like to be confirmed in my faith. I would like to be sealed with the Gift of the
Holy Spirit.
As a teenager, I realize that more and more maturity will be expected from me. This is true of
my faith-life also. I would like to be strengthened by the gift of the Holy Spirit as I begin this
important task.
To prepare for this sacrament, I have faithfully attended the catechetical instructions at St.
Josephs and tried to be of service to others by (list here the service programs you took part in).
In the future, I intend to continue serving the community.
As you can see, Ive chosen to be part of the mission of Christ. I am requesting the sacrament
of Confirmation.
John Doe

I feel that luck is preparation meeting opportunity. | Oprah Winfrey