[Managing WHO Humanitarian Response in the Field – Annexes: Draft 27 June 08]
Annex C7
Project budget items and sample budget
A budget for HAC operations typically includes items such as:
• Recruitment of international and national staff
• Emergency kits and medical supplies
• Communications
• IT equipment
• Meetings and workshops
• International airfares and per diem
• In-country travel
• Establishment of a sub-office (see Annex B6)
• Purchase of vehicles
Make sure that cost estimates are realistic. Include justification for each budget line. Use standard
costs for staff, not just estimates of salaries, and include installation allowances where relevant.
Include provision for a local finance and administrative staff member to track expenditures and
prepare spreadsheets, monitoring tables and reports.
Include realistic provision of local operating/recurrent costs such as:
• Running costs of a sub-office (rent, rates, electricity, phone bills, water, cleaning, maintenance);
• Maintenance/repair of office equipment;
• Office stationery and supplies;
• Car maintenance and spare parts;
• Fuel for generator and vehicles;
• Mobile and satellite phone bills;
• Computer and Internet connections;
• Miscellaneous contracts for the provision of local services;
• Security expenses (local guards and watchmen);
• In-country travel.
Use $20,000 per month as a very rough estimate, pending detailed information on local costs.
Include project management, monitoring and reporting (PMR) costs in the RO and HQ at a standard
rate of 10% on the total cost of the activities, except in proposals for ECHO consideration.
Include programme support costs (PSC): consult HAC/HQ on the appropriate PSC rate to be used –
contact <
cris[email protected]>.
(7% is applied
for a countr
y covered b
y a UN CAP or
Flash App
eal, a
country in crisis for which WHO's Financial Comptroller has approved a 7% rate, and on ECHO grants.
The rate is 13 % for other countries.)
See SOP 6.6 for the list of countries eligible for a 7% PSC rate.
For guidance on PMR and PSC, see SOP 6.7.
For more guidance on standard costs and budget formats, see the budget planning table in SOP
13.2. SOP 13.2 also includes a pre-formatted table to calculate PMR and PSC costs, and a sample
completed budget.