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3535 Adkisson Drive • Cleveland, TN 37312 • (423) 472-7141 •
STEM Camp Behavior Contract
Camper Name: ________________________________________________________
Dear Parents/Guardian:
Please review the following behavior contract with the camper prior to camp. Ensure that your
child understands that they will be expected to follow all parts of the agreement while at camp.
Failure to follow these rules can lead to disciplinary actions up to expulsion from camp, without
refund. The camper must read and initial each statement and sign, along with his/her parent or
guardian, at the bottom to show that he/she agrees to abide by the rules and policies of the
Cleveland State Community College STEM camp program. Please return this form on the first
day of camp during registration.
While at camp, I will:
_______ (camper initials) Make a strong effort to engage in camp programming and
constructively work and interact with other campers.
_______ (camper initials) Respect the needs and feelings of others and show kindness to all.
_______ (camper initials) Show respect for camp staff through my attitude and behavior,
including by following directions.
_______ (camper initials) Respect the LEGO kits (including robot and LEGO parts). I will do
my best to not let my robot fall on the floor. I will share responsibility for assembly and
programming of my robot.
_______ (camper initials) Demonstrate responsibility and care with Cleveland State property, my
property, and the property of others.
_______ (camper initials) Keep my chair at table level. I will not play with the chair or spin it.
_______ (camper initials) Limit my use of electronic devices, including, but not limited to, cell
phones, music players, and hand-held games to non-instructional time. I am aware that loss,

To be successful, you have to have your heart in your business, and your business in your heart. | Sr. Thomas Watson