Our mission is to improve health care access and outcomes for the people we serve while demonstrating
sound stewardship of financial resources.
HB09-1293 Oversight and Advisory Board
Hospital Provider Fee Meeting Minutes
303 East 17th Avenue, Conference Room 11 AB
April 26, 2016
1. Call to Order
David Livingston called the meeting to order at 3:01 p.m.
2. Roll Call
There were sufficient members for a quorum.
A. Members Present
David Livingston, Tom Rennell, Bill Heller, Jeremiah Bartley
B. Members on the Phone
Dan Enderson, George O’Brien, Peg Burnette, Kathryn Ashenfelter, Mirna Castro,
Ann King, John Gardner, Chris Underwood
C. Members Excused
Dan Rieber
D. Staff Present
Nancy Dolson, Cynthia Miley, Jeff Wittreich, Yoon Hwang, Dan Pace, Matt Haynes,
Heidi Walling
3. Approval of Minutes
Tom Rennell motioned that the minutes of the February 23, 2016 meeting be
accepted as amended, Dan Rieber seconded. Motion passed.
4. Department Updates
Medical Services Board initially approved the rules for the 2015-16 hospital
provider fee model. Those rules come up for second and final reading in May
This week we are submitting our response to the Centers for Medicare and
Medicaid Services’ (CMS’) request for additional information on our State Plan
Amendment. Expect to have CMS approval soon
The hospital provider fee enterprise bill (House Bill 16-1420) was introduced and
is currently in the h=House and is scheduled for second reading. If it passes out
of the House it will move to the Senate. This bill will repeal the Hospital Provider
Fee and enact the new enterprise effective July 1
. It would asses fees on