8:00-9:00am Breakfast & Networking
9:00-9:05am Welcome – Doug Rothwell, President & CEO, Business Leaders for Michigan
9:05-9:25am The Accelerated Pace of Change in the Marketplace: Surviving & Thriving
There are many ways to move forward but one sure way to fall behind… complacency. An
experienced, global CEO shares what businesses can do to outperform their competition in today’s
fiercely competitive marketplace.
Jeff Fettig, Chairman & CEO, Whirlpool Corporation
9:25–9:40am Where does Michigan Rank? A Preview of the 2014 Economic Competitiveness Report
Learn how Michigan stacks up to its competitors. Are we thinking big enough to become a Top Ten
state? Are we taking advantage of our greatest strengths?
Doug Rothwell, President & CEO, Business Leaders for Michigan
9:40-10:00am Are You Using Big Data to Fuel Innovation?
Companies that foster innovation tend to keep ahead of their competitors. To be truly innovative,
you must be ready to “forecast the future.” Learn how to use “big data” to drive innovation in your
company to the next level.
James Hackett, Vice Chair, Board of Directors, Steelcase, Inc.
10:00-10:20am 20 minute break
10:20–10:50am Growing Innovation through Collaboration
Growing new products and services happens faster in environments that encourage creative
thinkers to collaborate. This panel showcases how collaboration can occur at any level and how to
benefit from it.
Blake Krueger, Chairman, President & CEO, Wolverine World Wide – GRid70
Matt Clayson, Director, Detroit Creative Corridor Center
Moderator: Mary Kramer, Publisher, Crain’s Detroit Business
10:50-11:20am How Successful Entrepreneurs Maintain Their Edge
Hear how CEOs and entrepreneurs propel their businesses from startup to profit, from one stage of
growth to the next, while navigating the changing demands of their customers.
Miles Jones, Co-Chairman, Dawn Food Products, Inc.
Florine Mark, President & CEO, Weight Watchers Group
William Pickard, Chairman & CEO, Global Automotive Alliance, LLC
Moderator: Stephen Henderson, Editorial Page Editor, Detroit Free Press
11:20-11:50am Getting Your Business Off the Ground
Get the inside track on how to tackle the challenges of building your company from the ground up.
Jaeson Brown, Partner, Root4Creative
Amy Proos, Chief Executive Officer, Proos Manufacturing
Brian Royster, Founder & CEO, AskSupportNow
Ryan Vaughn, Founder, Varsity News Network
Moderator: Sam Valenti, Chairman, TriMas Corporation
Michigan CEO Summit
Thursday, November 13, 2014
8:00am-3:00pm; The Westin Book Cadillac Detroit
Event Agenda