Instructions for Charter Completion/See Blank Form
Product Line/Area/Process
Training and
Brainstorming Session:
To train and collect data
Team Leader(s): Staff Member Name(s)
Team Members: Expert in the focus area, person to impact the culture, outside set of eyes,
communication liaison, a “Doer Type Person”; have no less than 5 but no more than 9
members; recommend 7 (can mix and match); 2 – close to day-to-day work; 2 – don’t know
entire process but closely-related/support; 2 – completely outside the process within DEP; 1
– outside the department (customer/supplier/vendor).
Opportunity for
Clear and concise statement explaining the issue to be addressed.
Overview of what the team will try to impact. Narrow scope that can be attained in the
allotted time.
Measurable goals or items that can produce objective evidence of completion.
Tools/Deliverables Assigned Use:
M = Mandatory, R = Recommended NR = Not Required
5S Audit Form Office Area / Department Form
CEDAC – Cause and Effect Diagram
Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)
Project Implementation Plan Template
Project PowerPoint Presentation Template
Team Targets Progress Report
Visual References and Controls
DEP HR 12/1/2008 – Modified from Leanovations, LLC Version
See reverse for definitions of Tools and Deliverables.
Lean Project Team Charter