HTML Preview Rental Home Inspection Checklist page number 1.

Identification, Instructions
REV: 11/15/2015
Town Health Officer
Rental Housing Inspection Checklist
Inspector Name:
 Health Officer  Deputy  Other
Date of Inspection:
Property Address:
Type of Inspection:
 Initial  Follow-Up (Last Inspection Date: ___________)
Housing Type: _______________________________________
Property Owner Name:
Tenant Name(s) and Phone Number(s):
Unit #
Name/Phone Number
Property Phone Number:
Reason for Inspection:
Number of People Residing at the Home:
Number of Smokers Residing at the Home:
Location of Bedrooms:
Number of Bedrooms:
Please answer each question.
Contact Information:
Vermont Department of Health (VDH) - Environmental Health phone numbers:
Weekdays from 7:45 AM to 4:30 PM: 800-439-8550
All other times: 800-640-4374
Department of Public Safety (DPS) phone number to call varies based on property region:
Region #1 Williston Office: 1-800-366-8325
Region #2 Barre Office: 1-888-870-7888
Region #3 Rutland Office: 1-888-370-4834
Region #4 Springfield Office: 866-404-8883
Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) regional and main phone numbers:
Montpelier (Main) Office – 802-828-1556
Barre Office 802-476-0190
Essex Office 802-879-5656
Rutland Office 802-786-5900
Springfield Office – 802-885-8855
St. Johnsbury Office – 802-751-0130
Additional information on issuing an Emergency Health Order can be found in 18 VSA Chapter 3 § 127.

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