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Strategic business development plan tool
TheStrategic business development plantoolwillhelpensurethatyourbusinesscontinuestogrow.
The purposes of this tool are to help you to:
• clarifytheneedsofyourbusinessaspartofanoverallperspective;
• deneyourvisionsofthefutureofthebusiness;
• reviewthe
• reviewthedistributionoftasks,rolesandresponsibilitieswithinthebusiness;
• mobilizeemployeestoshareacommonvision;
• setbusinessdevelopmentpriorities;
• discussthefutureofthebusinesswithyoursuccessor(s);
• reducethegapsbetweenyourvisionofbusinessdevelopmentandthatofyoursuccessor(s);
• provideabusinessdevelopmentframework.
1. Draftthestrategicdevelopmentplanonyourown.
2. Askthepeopleyouareconsideringaspotentialsuccessor(s)todothesameexercise.
3. Individuallydeterminethenancialresourcesrequiredbythedevelopmentplan.
4. Shareyourrespectiveplans.
5. Makealistofprioritiesbasedonyourdiscussions.
6. Implementafollow-upschedule.
7. Reviewthisplanasoftenaspossible.
44–G u i d e f o r t h e f a r m t r a n s f e r o r - t r a n s f e r p l a n

I had to make my own living and my own opportunity! But I made it! Don’t sit down and wait for the opportunities to come. Get up and make them! | C.J. Walker