City of Hot Springs
The Supervisor of the Year Award was established to draw attention to supervisors who excel in their
positions and are highly regarded by their employees for their consistent leadership, integrity,
understanding and support of their employees, both professionally and personally. These supervisors
know that the productivity, quality of work and morale in the department/division are enhanced by well
treated employees. In addition, an employee’s loyalty and dedication are the direct results of their
supervisors’ positive attitude, integrity, sensitivity, empowering leadership style and sense of humor.
Employees of the City of Hot Springs are invited to nominate an outstanding supervisor/manager who
consistently exhibits positive leadership and managerial practices.
Nominations will be accepted from employees in good standing for their supervisors who meet the
following requirements:
Understands work/life balance and treats all employees with dignity, respect and integrity.
Promotes teamwork, while supporting the individual’s well being.
Has a positive leadership style and empowers others.
Is familiar with City of Hot Springs policies and procedures.
Submit a completed official nomination form.
Attach a typed or clearly printed narrative (no more than one page in length) describing your
relationship with this supervisor; (how long you have known him/her, how often you interact with
him/her, and how they have supported you personally and demonstrated work/life sensitivity and
values). Provide specific, personal examples. Any supervisor nominated in the past may be
nominated again as long as they are not a past award recipient. Employees are encouraged to
nominate their supervisors who have been in the position for more than two years.
Obtain at least 2-4 additional letters (depending on division/department size) from other
employees in your division/department and following the same criteria as your letter of
nomination. Must be submitted with your nomination form.
In addition to those writing letters, submit the names and phone numbers of other individuals in
your division/department who are willing to validate this information.
Describe the supervisor’s direct or indirect contact with various levels of personnel.
Submit the nomination package no later than January 3 to the Human Resources Department in a
sealed envelope, clearly noting on the outside of the envelope what the purpose of the package is
for (i.e., Nomination for Supervisor of the Year).
This award will be presented at the annual awards ceremony in February.