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Delaware Department of Education
Health Education Lesson Plan
Grades 9-12
Big Idea: ( e . g . , Health is Personal Power)
9-12 Unit Cluster Enduring Understandings
☐ Health is important and personal actions will impact self and others in many ways
☐ Internal and external factors influence personal and community health
☐ Choosing health resources requires critical evaluation and analysis
☐ Refusal, negotiation, and collaboration skills will enhance the health of self and others
☐ There are barriers that can hinder healthy decision-making
☐ Several factors influence the formation, achievement and evaluation of a long term personal health
☐ People have the power to create change
Lesson Essential Question(s)
Delaware Health Education Standards
Health Concepts Skills
☐ Tobacco, Alcohol & Drugs ☐ Internal & External Influences
☐ Injury Prevention & Safety ☐ Accessing Information
☐ Nutrition & Physical Activity ☐ Interpersonal Communication
☐ Family Life & Sexuality ☐ Decision Making
☐ Personal Health & Wellness ☐ Goal Setting
☐ Mental Health ☐ Self-Management
☐ Community & Environmental Health ☐ Advocacy
Lesson Summary