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CLIENT’S INITIALS_______________ MANAGER’S INITIALS______________
The Palace Restaurant
505 Main Avenue
Durango, Colorado
(970)247-2018 (phone) (970)247-0231(fax)
Private Party Contract
Date of Contract:__________________
This is a contract for services and agreement to pay for services in
accordance with the terms set forth herein, between The Palace Restaurant, “The
Palace,” and:
Group Name:____________________________________________ (“Customer”)
Contact: ________________________________________________
city State zip
Phone: Day: ________________________
Cell: ________________________
Evening: _____________________ Fax: __________________
Email Address: __________________________________________________
for the following event:
DATE OF EVENT: ___________________ TYPE OF EVENT:
Starting Time of the Event:__________ Ending Time of the Event___________
Estimated Number of Guests:____________ Adults:_________ Children:_________
Reserved Rooms ____________________________________Private: Yes No

To the degree we’re not living our dreams; our comfort zone has more control of us than we have over ourselves. | Peter McWilliams