HTML Preview Sample Formal Event page number 1.

Proposed Event Agenda Template
This is designed as a 1.5 - 2 hour program that could serve as a stand-alone evening event or as a
workshop embedded in other groups' meetings or conferences.
Note: The proposed agenda below is only intended to assist organizers with efficient planning and
can be amended as organizers see fit.
Outline of the event (please see Event Planning Checklist for details)
Guests sign in at welcome table (Sign-in Sheet provided in Event Kit).
Guests can write and submit questions and put them in box for moderator to review and share later.
Moderator ensures that note-taker is available and ready to note key questions and concerns raised
by panelists and audience members.
Welcome from moderator
First Nations blessing (or territorial acknowledgment if no FN representative available)
o Introduce purpose of meeting, self and 2 speakers at least (nice if at least one can be a farmer)
o Thanks sponsors of the event
o Asks for people to sign in so BCFSN can keep in touch with them
o Reminds people that if they have questions already, please write them on slips of paper and put
them in the box at the welcome table
o Says notes will be taken of the meeting for BCFSN use, not for publication, and asks if it’s okay
that photographs or video be taken anyone who does not want to be on camera please
identify themselves now, or later to the moderator
o Housekeeping point out key features of the venue, location of refreshments, bathrooms etc.
o Run through program, say when break will be and how the question and answer period will
work; say whether or not there will be time after the formal program for people to continue
Speaker 1 - Presentation re: ALR, why it's important, history, achievements, issues, why we need ALR
in 21st century ( to assist with this, BCFSN offers a generic power point that the speaker can adapt
with local material if multimedia equipment is available: see Event Kit)
Moderator - reminds people to write their questions on slips of paper and submit them at the start of
the break
BREAK (15 min max)
(behind scenes) Moderator reviews questions and groups them, draws one question from each
theme area (plan to consider about 6 questions, about 20 minutes)
Reconvene audience and resume program

Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake. | Napoleon Bonaparte