Training Policy Page 1 of 2
Last Review Date: September 2015
Original Effective Date: 2000
Amendment Effective Date: November 2015
Chapter 656, Subchapter C of the Texas Government Code authorizes each agency to develop programs for training
and educating its employees, and to pay for such programs from available agency funds. This policy formally
implements that legislation.
Overall Policy and Objectives
The OCCC’s policy is to ensure that adequate training is available to all employees, consistent with their role and the
agency’s needs and resources. The objective of this policy statement is to clarify and formalize existing guidelines
governing training activities, and provide a framework for consistency of training among employees.
The OCCC provides classroom and on-the-job training to assist all employees in obtaining the knowledge and skills
necessary to fulfill their role in achieving the OCCC’s mission. Each employee is responsible for taking the initiative to
pursue and learn from the training opportunities provided. The agency will select employees for training without
regard to race, color, religion, national origin, age, sex, or disability.
The agency will offer training opportunities on an equitable basis, consistent with OCCC resources, and the following
Developing and maintaining adequate employee knowledge and skills to meet the needs of each division;
Enabling employees to perform their current duties and responsibilities in the most effective and efficient
manner possible;
Providing career development opportunity; and
Preparing for future technology and development.
Implementation of Training
Employees and their supervisors have joint responsibility for identifying training needs and suitable course providers.
The employee’s supervisor must approve individual training requests to certify agreement with the allocation of
When an employee identifies a course for attendance, the employee or the employee’s supervisor should complete a
purchase request form. The supervisor should review, approve, and forward the completed request form according
to purchasing procedures.
The director for consumer protection will guide training for examiners. Examiner training begins immediately upon
employment with the agency, and is supplemented on at least an annual basis, preferably in conjunction with other