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Updated on: April 2015
1. PhD. Agricultural Engineering, 2008, Iowa State University. USA
2. M.S. Agricultural Engineering, 2004, Iowa State University. USA
3. B. S. Electrical Engineering, 2002, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia.
Areas of Interest
1. Agricultural and Biosystems Instrumentation
Professional Qualification/ Membership/ Affiliation
1. Executive Committee, Malaysian Society of Agricultural Engineers (MSAE) 2013-2016
2. Editorial Board Member, Information Processing in Agriculture 2014- present
3. Executive Committee, IEEE Young Professionals (IEEE YP) 2013-2015
4. Member, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
5. Graduate Member, Board of Engineers Malaysia (BEM)
6. Member, American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers (ASABE)
7. Member, Institute of Engineers Malaysia (IEM)
1. Head, Department of Biological and Agricultural
Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, UPM
January 14, 2013 to date
2. Research Coordinator, Department of Biological and
Agricultural Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, UPM
August 2009 to January 2013
3. Senior Lecturer, Department of Biological and
Agricultural Engineering, Faculty of Engineering UPM
December 2008 to date
4. Teaching Assistant, Department of Agricultural and
Biological Engineering, Iowa State University, USA
August 2007 December 2007
5. Research Assistant, Department of Agricultural and
Biological Engineering, Iowa State University, USA
August 2005 November 2008
6. Tutor, Department of Biological and Agricultural
Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, UPM
January 2002 December 2008;
Dr. Samsuzana Abd Aziz
Department of Biological and Agricultural Engineering,
Faculty of Engineering, Universiti Putra Malaysia
43400 UPM -Serdang MALAYSIA
T: 03-8946 4455 /
F: 03- 8946 6425
Areas of interest: Agricultural and Biosystems
T: 03-8946 xxxx
F: 03-8768 xxxx

It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change. | Charles Darwin