Sample Complaint Letter to Bank
(Enter your Address)
(Enter the Date)
(Add Name and Address of your Bank)
Dear Sir/Madam,
Re: Formal Complaint Under the Consumer Credit Act 2006
On (Add date of your Right of Appropriation Letter to your Bank) I wrote to you
exercising my common law first right of appropriation in respect of payments in
order to maintain my basic living requirements.
Instead of accepting this appropriation, your staff refused to abide by my
common law rights. The bank has instead appropriated my payments for the
purpose of paying an overdraft.
I am aware of the FSA waiver (in respect of the current OFT test case), which
expressly requires the bank to consider hardship. I am also aware of the
Banking Code, which requires you to behave sympathetically.
Please consider this letter a formal complaint under your complaints handling
scheme set up under the consumer credit act 2006. I request acknowledgement
of this letter in a reasonable timeframe, with a copy of your companies complaint
Yours Sincerely