HTML Preview Domestic Violence Program Brochure page number 1.

Information about
If you or someone you know is frightened
about something in your relationship, or to
nd out more information about domestic
violence programs or counseling, please call
the National Domestic Violence Hotline at
1-800-799 SAFE (7233) or 1-800-787-3224
Assistance is available in English and Spanish
with access to more than 140 languages
through interpreter services.
Help is available 24 hours a day, seven
days a week with information about the
domestic violence program in your area.
It’s condential and free.
1-800-787-3224 (TTY)
For web access, log onto
MDCH is an Equal Opportunity Employer,
Services and Programs Provider.
0,000 printed at 0.6 cents each with a total cost of $0.
Michigan Department of Community Health
Crime Victims Services Commission
Department of Human Services
Michigan Women’s Commission
Michigan Domestic Violence
Prevention and Treatment Board
Michigan Department of State Police
Domestic violence is a pattern of
assaultive and coercive behaviors,
including physical, sexual, psychological
attacks as well as economic threats
that adults or adolescents use to
control their intimate partners.
yes no question
q q Have you been hit? Choked?
Slapped? Pushed? Bitten?
Burned? Grabbed?
q q Has your partner used a
weapon against you or
threatened to?
q q Has your partner used an object
to hit you?
q q Has your partner threatened to
beat or have sex with your
children unless you do what
he/she says?
q q Has your partner forced you to
have sex or do other things
against your will?
q q Has your partner discouraged
you from taking classes?
Getting a job?
yes no question
q q Has your partner threatened you
at work?
q q Does your partner keep or
take your paycheck against
your wishes?
q q Does your partner not let you
take the car?
q q Does your partner make it hard
for your friends or family to
visit you?
q q Does your partner make you tell
him/her where you have been?
q q Does your partner regularly call
you names?
q q Does your partner say no one
would ever want you if you left
q q Do you change what you want
to do because you’re afraid of
his/her temper?
q q Are you afraid if you left your
partner he/she would kill you?
Or him/herself?
q q Has your partner made you
commit a crime? Use drugs or
alcohol against your will?
q q If your partner hits you, does
he/she act sweet and loving
afterward? Say he/she’s sorry?
Cry? Buy presents? Want sex?
q q Does your partner act like two
different people?

Leadership is a potent combination of strategy and character. But if you must be without one, be without the strategy. | Norman Schwarzkopf