CHECKLIST: Health, hygiene & facilities checklist
Health & Hygiene practices
Educate workers on good health and
hygiene practices
Do your workers know not to come to work
when they are unwell, even if they feel fit
Look for signs of ‘presenteeism’? Are
managers and supervisors modelling the
correct behaviours or is there a culture of
‘soldiering on’ that needs to be discussed as
Have you informed workers about the
importance of hand washing?
Have you trained workers on how to wash
their hands (with soap and water for at least
20 seconds) and dry them correctly?
Have you trained workers on how to correctly
use alcohol-based hand sanitiser?
Inform workers and others when they need to
wash their hands. This includes:
before and after eating
after coughing or sneezing
after going to the toilet
after changing tasks
after touching potentially
Inform workers of the following good hygiene
measures to limit the spread of the virus:
cover coughs and sneezes with an elbow
or a tissue
avoid touching the face, eyes, nose
dispose of tissues hygienically
wash hands before and after smoking
This checklist will assist you to implement
health and hygiene measures at your
workplace and do a review of your facilities.
Don’t forget to also check our COVID-19
website for additional measures for
clean and disinfect surfaces and
wash body, hair (including facial hair) and
clothes thoroughly every day
stay more than 1.5 metres away
don’t shake hands and avoid any other
close physical contact where possible
no spitting
put cigarette butts in the bin
Can you set up automatic alerts on computer
systems to remind workers about washing
hands and good hygiene measures?
Put measures in place where reasonably
practicable to minimise contact between
Can you put in a system to provide for
cashless transactions?
Require workers to minimise contact with
others where possible
See also:
Physical distancing checklist.
Hand washing & hand
sanitising stations
Are there an adequate number of hand
washing and hand sanitising stations to
sustain the increase in workers’ practicing
good hygiene? Consider:
the number of workers on site
any shift arrangements
entry and exit points
high trac areas
the need for workers to wash their hands
before, during or after the completion of
a work task
the location of the workplace or work
tasks. Will workers be located outside
away from common facilities such