Jan Stolarek
Informatics Forum 5.10
10 Crichton Street
United Kingdom
Phone: +44 131 651 30 77
Web: http://ics.p.lodz.pl/~stolarek
Polish citizen. Speaks English (fluent).
2012 PhD in Computer Science, Lodz University of Technology (Poland)
Thesis: Orthogonal wavelet synthesis based on signal processing outcome.
2008 MSc in Computer Science, Lodz University of Technology (Poland)
Thesis: User identification based on fingerprint analysis.
Academic career
2016–to date Research Associate at Laboratory for Foundations of Computer Science, University
of Edinburgh, UK
Responsibilities: research work an a project „Skye: A programming language bridging
theory and practice for scientific data curation”.
2012–2016 Lecturer at the Institute of Information Technology, Lodz University
of Technology, Poland
Responsibilities: research on functional programming and compiler construction;
teaching undergraduate and postgraduate courses.
2008–2012 Research Assistant at the Institute of Information Technology, Lodz University
of Technology, Poland
Responsibilities: research on discrete wavelet transforms, digital signal watermarking
and image quality assessment; teaching undergraduate and postgraduate courses.
Peer-reviewed papers
2015 J. Stolarek, S. Peyton Jones, and R. A. Eisenberg. Injective Type Families for Haskell.
ACM SIGPLAN Notices, 50(12):118–128, December 2015
2014 R. A. Eisenberg and J. Stolarek. Promoting functions to type families in Haskell. ACM
SIGPLAN Notices, 49(12):95–106, December 2014
2012 J. Stolarek and P. Lipiński. Improving watermark resistance against removal attacks
using orthogonal wavelet adaptation. In Proceedings of the 38th Conference on Current
Trends in Theory and Practice of Computer Science, volume 7147 of Lecture Notes in
Computer Science, pages 588–599. Springer, 2012
J. Stolarek. Adaptive wavelet synthesis for improving digital image watermarking. In
P. Lipiński and K. Świrski, editors, Towards Modern Collaborative Knowledge Sharing
Systems, pages 133–144. Springer, 2012
2011 J. Stolarek. On properties of a lattice structure for a wavelet filter bank implementation:
Part II. Journal of Applied Computer Science, 19(2):125–139, December 2011
J. Stolarek. On properties of a lattice structure for a wavelet filter bank implementation:
Part I. Journal of Applied Computer Science, 19(1):85–116, June 2011
P. Lipiński and J. Stolarek. Digital watermarking enhancement using wavelet filter
parametrization. In A. Dobnikar, U. Lotriˇc, and B.
Ster, editors, Adaptive and Natural
Computing Algorithms (10th ICANNGA, 2011), volume 1, pages 330–339, 2011