HTML Preview Elementary Classroom Agenda page number 1.

March SBDM AGENDA, March 30th, 2017
1. Opening Business
Agenda Approval
Approve January Minutes (February Meeting cancelled)
Good News Report
Public Comment
2. Student Achievement and School Improvement
Grade Science Field Test
-I-Ready Diagnostic #3 window update.
-K-PREP testing window update.
-Program Reviews
3. Budget Reports
- 2017-2018 Title 1 Budget
- 2017-2018 Instructional Budget
- 2017-2018 SBDM Staffing Allocation
- January and February budget reports.
4. New Business
-School Calendar
-Vacant Custodian Position
-McKinney SBDM Council Board Presentation/Q & A
Agenda Items for next month…….
- I-Ready 3
diagnostic results
- Finalize allocations/staffing plan
- Master Schedule
McKinney Elementary
Every Student, Every Classroom,
Every Day, College/Career and
Citizenship Ready

To think is easy. To act is difficult. To act as one thinks is the most difficult. | Johann Wolfgang Von Goeth