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ORRJHS Survival Backpack Equipment Checklist
Many items available at Workshop Night, as noted. Everything is to be packed in re-sealable plastic
bags or large heavy duty backpack liner bag for waterproofing!
The following items MUST be packed in your big backpack
(with your name and group on everything, even clothing).
Your big backpack must be in good condition, fit properly, have a
padded waist and shoulder straps, and have a sternum strap.
( ) Sleeping bag with carrying bag or stuff sack
( ) Sleeping pad made of closed cell foam or other water
impermeable material.
( ) Plastic ground cloth
(1/2 plastic shower curtain or liner, small blue tarp, etc.)
( ) 1 drawstring plastic bags (to help waterproof your stuff
sack or sleeping bag compartment)
( ) Three changes of old clothes
( ) Hiking shorts, at knee or above, no jeans
( ) T-shirts
( ) 1 week of underwear
( ) Belt (optional)
( ) Hiking socks with heel 4 pair minimum
( ) Liner socks 4 pair minimum (no cotton)
( ) Wind pants, tights, or zip-off pants
( ) Fleece pullover
( ) Hat with brim
( ) Wool or fleece hat
( )* DriDucks poncho (light weight ponchos will not do)
( ) 2 large bandanas
( ) Old (but still good quality) sneakers that still fit
( ) Bathing suit
( ) Small towel, swim chamois, backpacking towel
(not a bath sheet)
( ) Whistle on neck string
NO: Cell phones, personal locator beacons, GPS units, watches,
hand-held gaming systems, iPods or mp3 players, cameras, or
metal knives.
( )* One 6 (or 8) ounce plastic cup with a handle for hot
( ) 2 Plastic Spoons
( ) 2 apples whatever type you like
( ) Potato (boy), Carrot (girl)
( )* 2 one-liter/one-quart water bottles
Health and Hygiene:
( ) Bathroom Kit: Toilet paper, hand sanitizer, tissues, and
wet wipes (in a zippered plastic bag), 10 small ziptop
plastic bags (sandwich size) for bathroom trash
( ) Suntan lotion minimum SPF 30, small bottle
( ) Insect repellent spray bottles are best use low toxic
ones like Natrapel or low % DEET on your skin
( ) Deodorant - unscented
( ) 2 Toothbrushes and small toothpaste, travel size
( ) Small first aid kit with 12 good quality Band-Aids,
moleskin, Ace bandage
( )* Space blanket, bag style only
( ) Flashlight with extra batteries
( ) 2 MECHANICAL pencils in a gallon-size ziptop bag
( ) Thin, strong 550 cord, 30-foot minimum, called
“parachute cord”
( ) 5, gallon size ziptop bags (NO SLIDER BAGS)
( ) 2 large heavy-duty black trash bags
( ) 3 carabineers
( ) Plastic grocery bags for dirty clothes
( ) Optional: bug head net, sunglasses
NOTE: Everything needs to be in the big backpack or securely
attached to the outside unless stated otherwise.
* Available at Family Workshop Night

The man who will use his skill and constructive imagination to see how much he can give for a dollar, instead of how little he can give for a dollar, is bound to succeed. | Henry Ford