Guided Reading Planning Template
Common Core Standard(s)
• What reading skill, strategy or
behavior will you teach?
• Why are you teaching this to this
group on this day?
• How will it help them as readers?
Classroom Culture
Introduce or review: Language,
Procedures, Responsibilities
Set purpose for learning:
• What, Why, & How
(from Objective above)
Introduction: Depending on
purpose, vary the length and
type of book introduction by
reading stage (info on reverse)
Demonstrate teaching point:
• model,
• thinking aloud, and
• explaining
Introduce/Review an
Element of Classroom
Briefly confer with one reader at a time, while other students are reading & practicing the strategy/skill on their own.
While conferencing:
• Listen, observe, and take notes on what the readers are
doing well & what they need support with.
• Affirm student’s problem solving attempts and successes
• Reinforce the teaching point and/or teach a different
reading behavior, skill or strategy (as necessary)
• Provide prompts and reminders to use strategies
Discuss and respond to
the text
Reinforce teaching point
& link to independent
Word work (optional)
Extensions (optional)
Readers in
this group: