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Site Visit Agenda Ideas
Each site visit is unique to the state. Some site visits are made in conjunction with coalition meetings
or workshops. Some times states visit training and/or course sites to observe sessions. The state
project coordinator and their project officer can work together on finalizing an agenda. These are just
ideas for you to consider as you make plans for your visit and are not to be considered concrete.
I. Introduce to Attending Staff and Partners the Purpose of the Site Visit
To review with CDC progress m
ade towards the goals of your Cooperative Agreement.
II. Introduce State Staff, Partners, Project Officers and CDC Staff:
III. Discussion Topics You May Want to Consider
Organizational Structure
Priorities of Governor, Health Commissioner, Chronic Disease Director, etc.
Any changes in program staff made recently?
Shared staff with other programs?
Any anticipated changes?
Barriers to hiring?
In-kind support?
Overview of Surveillance Efforts
Burden reporting
BRFSS data on web, in state plan, burden report
State goals consistent with HP 2010?
Internal partnering
External partnering (including contractual relationships)
Coalition/Advisory Boards (share copies of state plan/burden reports/other
materials developed by coalitions)
Expansion activities (efforts to identify new stakeholders and other opportunities)
Overview of Interventions and Systems (Describe how you are embedding programs in systems to
expand the reach of interventions. Provide recent reach numbers--number of master trainers/train the
trainers/course instructors/participants registered/participants completed/training and course venues)
Arthritis Foundation Exercise Program

A successful man is one who can lay a firm foundation with the bricks others have thrown at him. | David Brinkley