6, rue Beethoven, 75016 Paris, France | T: +33 (0)1 42 24 09 54 | F: +33 (0)1 45 27 15 93 | reception@isparis.edu | www.isparis.edu
Accredited by New England Association of Schools & Colleges and the Council of International Schools – Association Loi 1901 No.W751005074 – Enregistrée à la Prefecture de Paris
Calendar of Vacations and Closures 2016-17
All Teachers and Support Staff return
Classes start for Grade 12 students
Classes start for all students Grades 1-11,
(Nursery, Pre-K and Kindergarten staggered entry
half days)
Toussaint Vacation starts after classes for students
Staff Professional Development Day (Action
Staff Professional Development Day
School re-opens for students after Toussaint Vacation
Weds & Thurs, November 9-10
Secondary 3-Way Conferences
Armistice Day: school closed
Winter Vacation starts after classes
School re-opens after Winter Vacation
Ski Break vacation starts after classes
School re-opens after Ski Break
Primary 3-Way Conferences
Secondary 3-Way Conferences
Spring Vacation starts after classes
School re-opens after Spring Vacation
Victory Day: school closed
Primary 3-Way Conferences
Ascension Day: school closed