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HRPDC Marketing Research Scope of Work
As part of its regional strategic planning process, the Hampton Roads Planning
District Commission (HRPDC) plans to conduct marketing research among residents
of the Hampton Roads region.
The Hampton Roads Planning District Commission (HRPDC) has embarked on an
effort to develop Hampton Roads’ first Community-based Regional Strategic Plan
entitled, Envision Hampton Roads. This innovative approach to planning will give
the residents of Hampton Roads the right to set the course for their community’s
future. Envision Hampton Roads will use interviews, mapping exercises, surveys
and other means to hear from residents and use that information to present
different community scenarios based on the information gathered. This process will
allow residents to react to the scenarios and choose the future that best matches
their vision. The goal of Envision Hampton Roads is to engage residents to
participate in the establishment of a shared Regional Vision that ultimately creates a
blueprint for the Region’s future that leads to Hampton Roads being a great place to
live, work, play, learn, and visit. In developing Envision Hampton Roads, the HRPDC
will be following a 7 step Community Based Planning approach with the first step
beginning with establishing Community Values followed by Vision, Strategy, Plan,
Fund, Build, and Achieve.
III. SCOPE OF SERVICES: The Contractor shall perform the following tasks:
Phase I - Quantitative Survey:
1. Use input from HRPDC and the qualitative listening process to design a
standardized 12+ minute survey questionnaire.
2. Conduct a proper telephone survey among 1,800 Hampton Roads region
a. Include sixteen municipalities that make up the HRPDC’s service area. To
wit: the cities of Chesapeake, Franklin, Hampton, Newport News,
Norfolk, Poquoson, Portsmouth, Suffolk, Virginia Beach and
Williamsburg, and Gloucester, Isle of Wight, James City, Southampton,
Surry and York counties.
b. Use a randomized calling method that that gives all telephone households
and mobile telephone users an opportunity to be included in the study.
c. Ensure each of the municipalities in the region proper proportional
d. That provides an accurate reflection of the demographic profile of the
Attachment 8-J

People rarely buy what they need. They buy what they want. | Seth Godin