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Message from the Dean of Student Life
Dear Harvard College Parents and Guardians,
Winter Break is a time for unwinding, contemplation, and reconnection with friends and
loved-ones. Some students get restless near the end of their time away and look forward to
some low-key activities on campus without juggling classes and other term-time demands.
Wintersession provides an occasion to return to campus a little early for student-initiated and College-led
programming. The vision of Wintersession has evolved to include an array of programs that broaden life skills;
develop team-building capacities; and make time for aesthetic exploration. This year we will offer students the
opportunity to engage “life’s big questions,” as we pilot programs on personal transformation led by some of Harvard’s
most renowned and innovative thinkers on reflection, self-understanding, identity, purpose, activism, and leadership.
Information and other resources for Harv ard College parents
Your student should have a conversation with their adviser, proctor, tutor, or dean about Winter Break and what is
the best plan for them. You will find more
information about Wintersession and Winter Break in this newsletter.
Stephen Lassonde Dean of
Student Life

Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life’s coming attractions. | Albert Einstein