HTML Preview Travel Receipt Voucher page number 1.

Quick Reference Travel Guide
Please use this quick reference guide to assist you in filling out the travel that applies to your trip.
Last Name & First Initial
Home address, city, state, & zip code
Purpose of travel
Official station
! The official station should be the employee’s usual work location(i.e. The College at Brockport,
home address)
Destination (MUST Include County)
! The county can be located at
Departure Date and Time; Return Date and Time
Lodging: Please see web pages for the lodging per diem rates at: Provide the number of days and how much per
! If the traveler goes over the lodging per diem rate, a justification letter must be attached
stating why the traveler did not use a hotel that offers the per diem (e.g. location of the
conference, going rate at that time).
Meals: Please see web pages for the breakdowns of the per diem rates at: Provide a breakdown of breakfast and dinner,
and put the total amount in the amount column. Receipts are needed for meals if the traveler is
not claiming the per diem rate
If claiming mileage, a Statement of Auto Travel (Mileage Form) – AC160 is required. Please
sign and attach to travel voucher. If you do not sign the statement, it will be returned to you.
Attach all original receipt(s) (lodging, airline tickets, etc.)
Incidentals (e.g. parking, tolls, taxi, baggage fees)
Attach documentation of conference fees – Proof of payment by traveler.
Attach a Copy of Program/Agenda of the conference showing the opening and closing times.
List form of transportation: vehicle rentals, train, and airfare. Provide proof of payment by the
traveler. Please state if pre-payment of airfare was claimed on another travel voucher.
Traveler’s signature
Supervisor's signature
Traveler requesting reimbursement must obtain the authorized signature of the account number if
different than supervisor
Account Number on Travel Voucher – (provide under cost center code)
If you have questions, please contact Lindsay Paul at x2338 or see the Procurement and Payment
Services web pages at Thank you.

The critical ingredient is getting off your butt and doing something. It’s as simple as that. A lot of people have ideas, but there are few who decide to do something about them now. Not tomorrow. Not next week. But today. The true entrepreneur is a doer, not a dreamer. | Nolan Bushnell