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ICHAEL D. SIERRA 1610 Spanish Ridge Ave Las Vegas, NV 89148
C 702.372.7812 |
Positioned To Lead the Next Generation of Business Intelligence
Interconnected Information Management disciplines to deliver valued-based programs with
commitment, shared purpose, and achievement of enterprise goals in:
Business Analytics
Metadata Management
Enterprise Information Mgmt
Data Governance
Performance Management
Master Data Management
Business Intelligence
Data Quality
Data Integration
Insight: Established data-driven and highly-informed decision-making capabilities for the
executive office, including analysis of and insight into complimentary player services costing
hundreds of millions.
Foresight: Developed metrics for executive management team to gain foresight into market
conditions and trends, providing capabilities to answer the really hard what if questions.
Underst anding: I n c r e a sed un der sta ndi ng of f i na nc i al pe rfo rm a n ce t h ro ugh u se o f m e tr ic s , da ta
vi su al i zat i on an d e xe cu ti ve s co r ec ar d s .
Efficiency: Achieved multi-million dollar cost savings in operations management through
measurement, analysis, and process improvements.
Effectiveness: Energized and led implementation of enterprise-wide budgeting system that
dramatically reduced time and effort to access information critical to decision-making.
MAJESTIC ILLUSIONS, Las Vegas, NV 2006–Present
Executive Director of Business Intelligence
Recruited to restructure failing project with $1M in development costs and few results. Entrusted to
turnaround people, processes, and technology to realize the CFO vision of standardizing and
transforming the collection, organization and distribution of accounting data to support Board of
Directors and executive management decision-making.
Highlights of Achievements:
Orchestrated the implementation of enterprise-wide budgeting system for 14 properties and 450
users, delivering within 2 years. Achieved first-ever consolidated view of corporate and property
budgets that dramatically reduced time and effort to access information critical to decision-
o Exceeded CFO expectations for year 1 by including 3 more properties than original estimate.
o Deployed further improvements in performance, training, and maintenance in year two to
include all properties, without increased staffing.
o Enabled analysis of actual versus budgets with quick access to drill-down details.
Realized annualized cost savings of $5.3M by developing an enterprise-wide financial data
warehouse to integrate data from multiple point-of-sale, property management, and player
tracking systems. Conformed dimensions standardized metadata and information delivery.
Achieved 100% user acceptance after redesigning financial reporting system to reduce hundreds
of report variations into a single set of standard reports.
Enabled fact-based decision-making by executive office, providing multi-dimensional cross-
property analysis of complimentary player services costing hundreds of millions.
by ©2011

Those who say it can not be done, should not interrupt those doing it. | Chinese Proverb