HTML Preview Employee Recognition Award Program page number 1.

Revised 05/06
Guidelines for Radford University
In creating a high-performance workplace, recognition is a motivating factor that provides
employees with increased job satisfaction and encouragement to perform their jobs more
effectively. Recognition programs are excellent motivators and critical to employee retention.
When employees are recognized for their accomplishments – and done so in a manner that is
meaningful to them, they feel appreciated for their efforts and feel their work is valuable.
Recognition programs that acknowledge employees’ contributions to the overall objectives and
effective operation of Radford University will promote good employee relations, improve
morale, and increase productivity.
Vice presidents, deans, directors, and department heads will ensure the availability of funds to
support reasonable costs incurred by employee recognition programs for their work units. Work
units will be defined by vice presidents. Most programs will be department-based and, therefore,
department-funded. Departments are encouraged to plan for employee recognition awards in
their budget. The expense of presenting awards will be paid from institutional funds and will not
be deducted from employee award amounts.
Recognition Approaches
Either an informal or formal approach may be used to recognize individuals or teams who have
made significant contributions toward the university’s goals, priorities, and successful
Informal Recognition
An informal approach provides recognition at any time, typically by the employee’s
supervisor. Examples include on-the-spot awards to recognize teamwork, project
completion, a new or modified work practice, exemplary effort, employee appreciation,
Formal Recognition
Departments or divisions may want to plan a more formal approach to acknowledge
employee accomplishments. Examples include awards for attendance, safety, customer
service, productivity, honoring separating employees, outstanding achievements, etc.
Employees may be recognized with monetary and/or non-monetary awards and recognition
leave. An employee may receive the maximum for each type of award. All recognition awards
will be documented, reported, and processed with the Employee Recognition Award form
(Attachment C). Obtain approvals and mail form with original signatures to Human Resources.
The original record for recognition leave will be maintained in Human Resources. For monetary
and non-monetary awards, the original record will be forwarded to Accounting Services.

Victory goes to the player who makes the next–to–last mistake. | Savielly Grigorievitch Tartakower