HTML Preview Simple Employee Review Form page number 1.

NAME: ___________________________________________ DATE: __________________________
DEPARTMENT: ____________________________________ JOB TITLE: ______________________
Purpose of this Employee Evaluation:
To take a personal inventory, to pin-point weaknesses and strengths and to outline and agree upon a
practical improvement program. Periodically conducted, these Evaluations will provide a history of develop-
ment and progress.
Listed below are a number of traits, abilities and characteristics that are important for success in business.
Place an "X" mark on each rating scale, over the descriptive phrase which most nearly describes the person
being rated. (If this form is being used for self-evaluation, you will be describing yourself.)
Carefully evaluate each of the qualities separately.
Two common mistakes in rating are: (1) A tendency to rate nearly everyone as "average" on every trait
instead of being more critical in judgment. The rater should use the ends of the scale as well as the middle,
and (2) The "Halo Effect," i.e., a tendency to rate the same individual "excellent" on every trait or "poor" on
every trait based on the overall picture one has of the person being rated. However, each person has strong
points and weak points and these should be indicated on the rating scale.
ACCURACY is the correctness of work duties performed.
_____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________
Makes frequent Careless, makes Usually accurate; Requires little Requires absolute
errors. recurrent errors. makes only average supervision; is exact minimum of
number of mistakes. and precise most of supervision; is
the time. almost always
ALERTNESS is the ability to grasp instructions, to meet challenging conditions and to
solve novel or problem situations.
_____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________
Slow to Required more than Grasps instructions Usually quick Exceptionally keen
"catch on." average instructions with average to understand and alert.
and explanations. ability. and learn.
CREATIVITY is talent for having new ideas, for finding new and better ways of doing
things and for being imaginative.
_____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________
Rarely has a Occasionally Has average Frequently Continually seeks
new idea; comes up with imagination; has suggests new ways new and better
is unimaginative. a new idea. reasonable number of doing things; is ways of doing
of new ideas. very imaginative. things; is extremely

Business is more exciting than any game. | Lord Beaverbrook