H ot e l P f l u g · A l lerhe il ig e nstr aß e 1 · 7 788 3 O t t e n h öf e n i m S c h w a r z w a l d
T e l : 0 0 4 9 7 8 4 2 / 9 9 4 2 0 · i n f o @ h o t el - p f l u g . d e
WHAT is to be done WHEN?
6 months before your wedding
Coordinate the date of your wedding with your families
Prepare a general cost overview
Make a decision how and where you want to celebrate
Provide a preliminary guest list
Collect all required papers and documents for the marriage and the civil registry office
5 months before your wedding
Arrange the official registration for marriage with the civil registry office (don’t forget to
bring all necessary documents)
Make an appointment with the pastor to discuss the ceremony and musical background
Choose the venue for your wedding party
Order and create announcements in newspapers, invitation cards, place cards and menu
Make an appointment with the photographer
Book the music band
Order a wedding carriage or a limousine
Where will you be going on honeymoon? (Keep in mind that vaccinations are required for
long distance travels
4 months before your Wedding
Choose your witnesses, bridesman, bridesmaids and bridal children
A wedding candle is a beautiful souvenir of your religious wedding ceremony.- be creative
and design your own candle!
Send out the invitation cards and (personally) invite your guests
Buy wedding dress and matching accessoires , wedding suit and shoes
Take a vacation for your honeymoon and apply for extra vacation days